Mac OS Ken: 04.07.2010
Apple Goes for a One Week Game Changing Hat Trick / Gizmodo Says Most Apple Stores Still Have iPads While Most Best Buys Are Sold Out / Macworld UK Staffers Mistake Stars on iPad Wallpaper for Scratches / Macworld UK Looks at WiFi Problems for iPad and Possible Fixes / TMO Says Apple Acknowledges iPad WiFi Issues / CRN Says iPad WILL Cannibalize Desktop and Laptop Sales Across the Board / Citirx Adds iPad Specific Business Apps to App Store / Electroista Pits iPad Against HP Slate / Nintendo US President Disses Apple for Games / Silicon Alley Insider Says More iPads Sold So Far Than Palm Sold Pres and Pixis Last Quarter / Palm Reportedly Nixing Current Ad Agency / Verizon CEO Says Verizon Wants iPhone / Barbs Between Two Writers and One Magazine and Apple PR