#58 - How to Manifest Success with Law of Attraction - Victoria Gallagher
Power of Your Mind Podcast featuring Victoria Gallagher – How to Manifest Success Episode #58, Victoria will help you to Discover 3 Secret Strategies You Can Use to ATTRACT SUCCESS, Abundance, and Joy Into YOUR Life. Victoria Gallagher: I’ve spent the last over 20 years as a Hypnotist and Law of Attraction success coach. And I’m well known for my hypnotic recordings and personal development courses. Recently I became #1 Best Selling Author of the book Practical Law of Attraction and I’m also an International Speaker. I’m going to be your guide on what has the potential to be the first step in your journey to unlock your true potential and to break free of your limiting beliefs. The information we’re going to cover, is proven psychological science. That the beliefs that guide your thinking and your behavior – beliefs that you’ve created for yourself and that have been created for you by your parents, your teachers, your church maybe and your boss – I’m going to give you the tools to take action and to make a real difference in your life. We’re going to discuss the 3 specific ways you’ve been sabotaging your success and the actions you can take to begin altering your reality and molding it into what you want it to be. Victoria’s Websites: http://victoriamgallagher.com https://victoriamgallagher.com/law-of-attraction-intensive-in-scottsdale * * * * * Victoria Gallagher is a worldwide leader in Hypnotherapy, a #1 Best Selling author, international speaker, life success coach, and renowned authority on the Law of Attraction. She has dedicated her life to empowering people all over the world to successfully live a life of liberty, aligned with their dreams through her effective meditative recordings and online courses. Begin your Personal Growth Journey Today with your 30 Day Trial to Personal Growth Club Video Training course for just $1. Start your trial now at: http://PersonalGrowthClub.com/My-Secrets For our listeners who found us on Power of Your Mind Podcast, go to Hyptalk.com and sign up for your Free Self-Hypnosis Video Training Course. Also First Time Customers get 35% off Your First Order of Hypnosis Downloads when you use the code "PODCAST" in your shopping cart at: Hyptalk.com Learn more about Victoria Gallagher and her new book Practical Law of Attraction at:VictoriaMGallagher.com If you enjoyed today's episode, please leave us a review! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/power-your-mind-hypnosis-law-attraction-meditation/id1161784063?mt=2