Ep. 70: Deconstructing "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"
This week's New Year's Eve episode of The Chauncey DeVega Show is two great shows in one.
The first part of the New Year's Eve podcast features a review and discussion of Star Wars: The Force Awakens with friend of the podcast and site Bill the Lizard. Bill and Chauncey have been thinking about, anticipating, and meditating on all things Star Wars for many years.
Their conversation about Star Wars: The Force Awakens is more than a basic review.
Chauncey and Bill the Lizard talk about how this new film is a remix of A New Hope, questions surrounding Arthurian legend and the Hero's Journey, speculate about how the First Order (the new version of The Galactic Empire) is now both multicultural and also includes women, explain how Commander Snoke must be Darth Plagueis the Wise, and map out what the sequels to J.J. Abrams version of Star Wars must do next to make or break the foundation laid down in The Force Awakens. This is a spoiler filled and fun conversation.
The second part of the New Year's Eve podcast turns to far more serious matters. In this extended segment, Chauncey talks about the extrajudicial killing of Tamir Rice and answers the question(s) asked by some online about how best to stay sane and positive in these trying times. To that end, Chauncey reads some of the wicked comments at the white supremacist Right-wing political website known as The Free Republic about the killing of Tamir Rice and the exoneration of the thug cops who stole his life. Chauncey then uses the wisdom of Dr. Na'im Akbar to help black and brown folks understand how best to win a psychological battle with white racists.
In this New Year's Eve episode of The Chauncey DeVega Show, Chauncey also gives some love to the now permanently retired radio legend Art Bell by playing a clip from one of the latter's amazing conversations with Father Malachi Martin, former exorcist for the Vatican.
Chauncey shills for the great new movie The Hateful Eight and then overshares during this episode of the podcast about his inexorable lust and explosive desire for Katrina Pierson, the bullet necklace wearing spokeswoman for Donald Trump.