Ep. 58: M. Lamar on Black Masculinity, Sex and being "Negrogothic"
Performance artist M. Lamar is the guest on this week's episode of The Chauncey DeVega Show. M. Lamar is a New York city-based composer, musician, performer, multimedia artist, and counter tenor whose work "Negrogothic, a Manifesto" has been featured by The New York Times and the Museum of Modern Art.
M. Lamar is smart, funny, and honest. In this conversation, M. Lamar and Chauncey talk about art, creativity, race, sexuality, the movie Django: Unchained, fetishing the black penis, racial violence, lynching, and a range of other topics.
Chauncey and M. Lamar also share some personal stories about sex and intimate adventures across the color line.
This is a "grown folks" conversation that may not be appropriate for younger listeners.
In this episode of The Chauncey DeVega Show, Chauncey offers some thoughts on the Oregon mass shooting, ammosexuals, and "men's rights" sad and silly souls. Chauncey also cuts a promo on Ben Carson's betrayal of the Black Freedom struggle and the faux Right-wing outrage about Anthea Butler's wondering if Carson is indeed "coon of the year".
And because he can't resist calling out Right-wing dreams of tough guy foolishness and guns, Chauncey also tells (again) his story about his late night street fight with a fiend who wanted to shoot him dead.
In this overstuffed with goodness episode of The Chauncey DeVega Show, there is also some titillating--funny?--bonus content at the end of the podcast.