5 Things I Can't Live Without for PCOS!
What are some things Tallene couldn't live without for her PCOS? On this episode, you'll hear Tallene's personal daily regimen including diet, lifestyle, supplements, and so much more! You'll learn about what are the "must" supplements that Tallene takes including her nightly routine and sleep schedule! We go over diet, lifestyle, and how gluten a dairy free can impact the day to day symptoms. We asked YOU, "What are your 3 things you couldn't live without to help manage PCOS?" Tune in to hear us read your answers on the podcast! Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS a lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! (http://bit.ly/The-Cysterhood) Ovasitol Packets: 15% OFF prc code 292660 (http://bit.ly/Ovasitol) PCOS Friendly CBD: 10% OFF code TheCysterhood (http://bit.ly/CBDpcos)