How to Manage PCOS in College
Having PCOS while attending college can feel like you’re singled out. We’re here to tell you it doesn’t have to feel that way with today’s episode…How to Manage PCOS in College! You’ll learn different tips to manage your PCOS in college like navigating the cafeteria, shopping on a budget, and more! Tallene also talks about her own experience in college and the struggles she had adjusting to PCOS while attending. Listen to how she turned it around and even created a new health club for her university! We asked cysters what they struggled the most in college and what tips they had for college students! Tune in to hear us read the answers live on the podcast! Join us in The Cysterhood, a community of women learning how to manage PCOS a lose weight, Gluten and Dairy Free! Ovasitol Packets: 15% OFF prc code 292660 PCOS Friendly CBD: 10% OFF code TheCysterhood