#7 - Gluten a Dairy Free for PCOS
Have you tried going gluten a dairy free to manage your PCOS? On this episode of A Cyster a Her Mister, we uncover the research behind gluten and dairy a how it links to the symptoms of PCOS. Tallene has been gluten and dairy free for 10 years and has been teaching the lifestyle to Cysters out there to finally lose weight with PCOS! Not only did Tallene completely overcome her PCOS but she also lost 30 pounds in the process. This episode will show the science and research behind why going gluten and dairy free is one of the best solutions for PCOS! We often focus on the number that the scale shows and forget all the hard work we put into our journey. This was a topic among Cysters that we discussed and even read the conversation that our ladies had. Listen to our weekly messages from Instagram and our shout out to the ladies managing their PCOS with their latest wins! Enroll in our Meal Prep a Workout Course for PCOS Weight Loss with 4 weeks of step-by-step video tutorials of gluten a dairy free meals and complete workouts to help you manage PCOS and lose weight! Enrollment window closes January 22nd, join while it’s available! http://bit.ly/Enroll-in-Course