Day 36 - Issue 27

Matthew 20:20-21 NLT

Then the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus with her sons. She knelt respectfully to ask a favor. “What is your request?” he asked. She replied, “In your Kingdom, please let my two sons sit in places of honor next to you, one on your right and the other on your left.”

Asking the appropriate question is key. I’m not always on point here. I remember asking a significant worship leader, who I thought was a great lyricist but not a tremendous singer, why she didn’t write for other people given she hadn’t the best voice? My enquiry received a frosty reception, for obvious reasons! I’m not sure how James’ mum will have felt on reflection, having asked Jesus this question.

Our questions give an insight into how we think. On one occasion I was meeting with a business connection with a view to developing some ministry opportunities, when he asked me, “Don’t you want to become stinking rich?” I was briefly taken aback by his directness but responded, saying I couldn’t make a constructive response. I went on to explain I was exploring Franciscan spiritual approaches founded on simple living which meant I was in process of moving away from personal wealth accumulation. I was also sensing a call to contemplative prayer and practice, which again meant a primary focus on money would be an unhelpful distraction. He wasn’t impressed.

There’s nothing inappropriate about money as such, although the love of money is a snare, but money is not an essential element to [itals]my[end itals] calling. James and John, and their mum, obviously missed the discipleship teaching about giving up one’s own preferences in pursuit of God (Matthew 16:24-26). There’s a sacrificial side to pursuing Christ. However, when I make this sacrifice from obedience, it doesn’t feel like sacrifice. It’s the source of my inner peace and contentment. Pleasing God is not that you making yourself miserable. This is the view of those who have missed the point of serving God and therefore the reality of discipleship.

QUESTION: What question would you want to ask of God right now?

PRAYER: Lord God, thank you that a life serving you both fulfils and satisfies.

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