Day 29 - Issue 27
James 3:17 NLT
'But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favouritism and is always sincere.'
In an age that has seen an explosion of ways to access media, we are increasingly absorbed with film, TV, social media and gaming. When many thought the age of TV was ending, the emergence of ‘TV talkers’, those who blog and tweet about their TV experience, has breathed new life into TV and a fresh opportunity for canny advertising campaigns. These TV talkers publish their observations on programmes and adverts across social media, to the extent that 61 per cent of them admit to watching more TV since discussing shows online. TV talkers are also highly engaged with celebrity and pop culture.
In tandem, psychologists are mapping the impact of the media’s psychological effect. This has both good and bad elements. However, it is a new influencer upon the way in which society orders itself. It is evident from research that what we subject ourselves to will influence the way we live. It was my privilege to work with Mary Whitehouse in her campaign against sex and violence on TV and she’s been proven right.
My learning has been that it is important what I feed my mind upon. It is also essential that I order my life to have the time to gaze on God, be it through contemplation, the lectionary readings from scripture or other Christian writers. God speaks to us in gentleness and understanding. God appreciates the challenges of the lives we live. We are transformed as we reflect upon the person and character of God. What we feed the mind will shape who we are and who we shall become. We have all we need for life in its fullest expression in Christ, so let us become ‘God talkers’ alongside all the existing TV talkers and use social media as a means of expressing God’s love.
QUESTION: What diet does your mind have? With what is it being fed?
PRAYER: Lord, help me to think upon all that is good and praiseworthy, to think upon you.