Day 21 - Issue 27
2 Peter 3:18 NLT
Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen.
‘Grace’ is a difficult word to comprehend. Its common usage in English refers to the grace of movement, as with a gymnast, or a courteousness of behaviour towards another. It also describes the period a debtor is allowed to service their debt. These have little bearing on our friendship with God. My life as a disciple cannot be described as elegant, my behaviour to God and others is often far from courteous and my debt has been fully paid for me so I owe nothing. Yet, the etymology of this word carries the idea of favour.
Christians down the centuries have developed a specialised understanding of the word ‘grace’. It describes the unmerited favour and unconditional love of God. This I find easier to grasp in theory than in practice. God has done the work of salvation for me; I now receive and rest in it. There is no useful contribution I can make towards that work of salvation. There is, however, the need to discover how to live by grace; that is reliant upon God’s unmerited favour.
The reality of God’s kingdom is at hand, yet not fully realised. The invitation is that as a beneficiary of grace I choose in every sphere of my life to live God’s way, despite the consequences. For me, this begins with putting others’ interests over and above my own (Philippians 2:1-5). Discipleship works best when I identify a core value and seek to put that into practice before moving on.
You may, like me, find it a challenge simply accepting the work is done and your salvation is secured. Deserving or otherwise, however you feel, you are accepted and loved eternally. The question remains the degree to which you have found the grace to live the life revealed through your discipleship manual, scripture.
QUESTION: Have you found yourself trying to earn salvation through your own efforts?
PRAYER: I am so grateful, Lord Jesus, that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.