Day 29 - Issue 26
Matthew 6:31 NLT
So don’t worry about these things, saying, “What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’’
The original meaning of “worry” in English was “to seize by the throat and tear”, a phrase that remains in the sense of a dog “worrying” sheep. The very physicality of that description expresses the gripping anxiety that takes hold of me when I worry about something I lack, some threat or future event. There is a strong physical, as well as emotional, reaction which can take over my whole life. Learning to manage such reaction will prove the difference between life and the complete shutdown of my coping mechanisms.
It’s all very well to read the words “don’t worry”, but they can sound less than helpful when the storm clouds of anxiety surround us. The emphasis reminds us that no matter what happens in life, Jesus, by his own promise (Matthew 28:20) is with us. So our challenge is to displace worry with the peace that God’s promise provides. This challenge grows, depending upon the nature of the worry. If my basic physical needs, such as food and shelter, are at risk, then the intensity of the worry is far greater than if I worry about the brand of trainer I can afford. This then drives to the core of my Christian understanding. Can God be trusted with my complete welfare?
It’s virtually impossible to think of anything but survival when my life hangs in the balance, and this includes reflections around faith. However, once my basic needs are met, I’ve time to think about who I am and want to become. I find that thinking through what I want out of life is a great starting point. I’m honest and specific. When leading workshops, there’s a wide variety on individuals’ ‘want’ lists. What’s important is how I see life’s essentials for me. Now comes the hard work of inviting God to critique this ‘want’ list.
God’s concern is with the attitudes that lie behind my life choices and the responsibility I exercise over my rewards and opportunities. To what degree does pursuit of my ‘want’ list compromise my ability to deepen my faith? A ‘want’ list that robs me of friendship with God is a poor list.
QUESTION: Have you settled upon your ‘want’ list?
PRAYER: Lord, in all that I want from life, help me to seek first the kingdom.