Day 24 - Issue 26

2 Corinthians 10:5 NLT 

'We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.'

I recently enjoyed Professor Steve Peters’ book, [itals]The Chimp Paradox[end itals] (Vermilion). The author identifies three ways our brains can work. Firstly there’s you, what Peter’s calls the “Human”, a conscious thinking, analysing being that works with facts and truth and then makes deductions using logical thinking. Secondly, there’s what he calls “the Chimp”. This is “an independent thinking brain that is not under your control. It works with feelings and impressions and then puts information together using emotional thinking”. Finally there’s “the Computer” which is “a brain that is at the disposal of the Human and Chimp to put information into for reference. It acts as a memory and can also act as an automatic thinking and acting machine”.

In short, Peter’s view is that we are each at the mercy of our “Chimp” brain, which reacts emotionally and seeks to determine our course through life. However, we can take back control of our life, but only if we manage our “Chimp” and insist upon utilising our thinking, analysing brain. Professor Peters take is an interesting way to consider how we think and make decisions.

Each of us is invited by God to move consistently towards forming the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). Scripture describes us as journeying through various mental stages to reach this point, such as feeble-minded, double-minded etc. The big issue is, how do I manage my emotional responses to life? When tempted, how might I resist? When disappointed, how might I react? Simply, this is the practice of building Christian maturity into my life experience. Instead of reacting, I train myself to manage my emotions, what Peters calls my “Chimp”. Taking time to “programme the computer of my mind” to take a different course to that which ‘feels’ good in the moment. I consult God, my Maker and creator and then think through carefully how I want to act, in a way that is consistent with Christian values revealed in the Bible.

This demands that I am truly present in each moment so I can quickly capture my thoughts and choose to live God’s way.

QUESTION: What can you do to learn more about how to take godly decisions and train yourself to walk in the ways of God?

PRAYER: Lord, transform me through the renewal of my mind.


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