Day 23 - Issue 26
Luke 1:46-47 NLT
Mary responded, “Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!”
It must have been so frightening to be greeted by an angel and then told you are pregnant. Yet, Mary appears to take this in her stride. Engaged to be married, she has the challenge of informing her fiancé she is carrying somebody else’s baby. She has the unenviable task of saying it is God’s Son. Scripture does not record that conversation, but of all the explanations that must be among the most far-fetched. Respect to Joseph. Whatever his immediate reaction, he still accepted God’s confirmation and signed up to God’s plan.
Life isn’t always easy, often it takes an unexpected and unwelcome turn. When we reach such a fork in our life’s path we can sink into despondency or adopt a gratitude attitude. Disorientated by life going wrong, we are off balance and our stress levels rise. We want to hit out at something and we do this by assuming the worst and bemoaning our fate. Not so Mary. Facing the loss of a fiancé, public humiliation and the poverty that accompanies single parenthood, she determines that God is in this and makes a positive declaration.
She looks beyond her immediate potential misery and takes a wider view. If this is of God, then the whole of human history is on the turn. The most significant intervention in human affairs, the incarnation, has been entrusted to her. What else can she do but sing how of all the women in the world, God had chosen to notice and to choose her? Now, if that doesn’t build your self-esteem, what will? Once started, she follows the natural line of thought and prophetically describes one incredible implication of the incarnation and the life of Jesus, her son. She hones in on the one positive thing in what could be the worst day of her life so far.
There is something to be said for choosing to hold onto a positive when surrounded by apparent calamity. It gives clarity, focus and reminds us that others face even more difficult situations. This apparent setback can be a constructive part to God’s purpose within our life.
QUESTION: Whatever circumstances you face today, can you find at least one thing to be grateful for?
PRAYER: Lord, you are always good. Help me not to lose sight of that truth.