Day 14 - Issue 26
James 1:3 NLT
'For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.'
Thankfulness in life’s bleak times doesn’t sound like common sense. Why and how can we give thanks when things go wrong? In my ‘now’ pain, it’s tough to see any good reason to be thankful. Yet, scripture reveals it is through challenges we face that God seeds resilience in our soul. Naturally my first response is to be disheartened by the challenge, yet I have within me God-given resilience and elasticity to absorb the challenge and then bounce back.
I recently visited a dear friend who has faced two major battles with cancer with the most intrusive treatments. I find her at peace, even though she doesn’t have the all-clear yet. She has an inspiring fortitude with no ounce of anger, bitterness or regret, surely the work of God alone.
I remind myself that God is always only a breath away. When we breathe it’s an unconscious reminder of God’s presence, for human life was animated through God’s breath, and life continues as long as we breathe. Every breath can be its own prayer, especially useful when I cannot form words or focus upon scripture. It’s a reminder that I am always so close to God, a reminder I too often take God’s presence for granted as I rush through life. An unexpected challenge interrupts my life and provokes me to consider where I am with God and, more importantly, where is God in my life? Scripture helpfully reminds me, ‘The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed’ (Psalm 34:18).
Disappointment is perhaps the greatest test to our faith. Will I find the resilience to continue, or lie down and give up? This is something Jonah tried, and God still spoke back to him. Initially we may feel like giving up. However, God walks with us, simply a breath away, and we can, with countless others, find our way to giving thanks to God despite circumstance.
QUESTION: What do you need that might help you become resilient? Make that known to God.
PRAYER: Lord, thank you that you are always at hand to guide, strengthen and sustain.