Day 12 - Issue 26
Isaiah 30:21 NLT
Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.'
On many days, the roads I drive down are choked with queues, jams and delays. Roadworks spring up and new housing developments lay claim to already crowded roads. So I am thankful for GPS and the opportunity to drive along little-known roads, usually without another car in sight. Both my journey time and personal joy increase in equal measure – in fact, I can declare with the psalmist that ‘My cup overflows with blessings’ (Psalm 23:5)!
In the early spring I left a meeting exactly at 5pm. Rush hour was moving into full throttle. I knew my normal route would be slow all the way home. So I plugged in maps on my phone and was delighted as I was directed along roads less travelled. The sun was setting, resulting in that beautiful light that precedes the dusk. The fiery ball of the sinking sun accompanied me throughout. I meandered through the Hampshire countryside along minor roads. Surrounded by trees and woodland, my eyes drank in their beauty. Stress rolled off my shoulders and I found myself thanking God aloud for the glory of nature all around me.
So often, thankfulness lies within our grasp, yet we choose to travel the wrong road and end up grumpy and frustrated. Had we taken a different path, one that perhaps did not offer the quickest route to our destination, we might unlock the sights and sounds that will cause our heart to sing and make its way into the throne room of God. That was my learning and experience that evening. The only time when I ran into traffic was when I chose to ignore the GPS because I recognised a road. Trusting in my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5) only led me back into traffic unnecessarily and delayed my ultimate arrival home by 15 minutes, or so my phone smugly informed me.
QUESTION: What opportunities does today offer to slow down, open your eyes to what is around you and give thanks to God?
PRAYER: Lord, there is so much beauty all around and so often I miss it. Open my eyes and help me see.