Day 8 - Issue 26
Deuteronomy 15:11 NLT
'There will always be some in the land who are poor. That is why I am commanding you to share freely with the poor and with other Israelites in need.'
UK government figures estimate that the numbers of people sleeping rough has more than doubled since 2010 ([itals][end itals]). It seems only at Christmas do they become a focus for everyone’s attention. Like Mary and Joseph, there literally is no room for them at any inn. Fortunately there are charities who step in to help.
While homelessness is a year-round issue, because we express greater concern around Christmas, now is a good time to plan how we might give a measure of support. The easiest way is to make a donation to organisations such as Crisis at Christmas who work in London, or to charities local to your area that step up at this time of year. Premier partner with Community Christmas to create an interactive map of all the Christmas Day events happening across the UK so people (including the homeless) don’t need to be alone on this day. The Salvation Army works wonders 24/7 throughout the year, running centres and hostels.
However, perhaps as an expression of Christian service, you might be prepared to give up some of your Christmas break and volunteer as well. Jayne and I are looking at this now that Mum has relocated to a care home and our daughter has grown up. Obviously, to volunteer takes planning. When is the best time? Is it helping serve meals on Christmas Day? Or volunteering to help set up the temporary accommodation ahead of Christmas?
So often we think we would like to help when the Christmas event is on top of us. Planning now affords us the opportunity to secure the information we need, talk to family about our plans and offer some time to volunteer in this way. We can then plan our family Christmas around our voluntary commitment. Of course, we may well continue to volunteer throughout the year as an expression of our Christmas service.
QUESTION: What plans can you make to serve someone else, a stranger, this Christmas, and reveal the character of God’s love to others?
PRAYER: Merciful Father, help me to serve as you have served, and help those who are homeless to receive the love and help they need.