Premier Novena 2018: Day Nine
Zechariah 14:9 NLT
'And the Lord will be king over all the earth. On that day there will be one Lord – his name alone will be worshiped.'
It’s hard to observe global events or experience personal disappointment and to maintain a constructive view of God’s authority. Why is it that God’s rule fails to counteract the evil and tragedy we observe and experience? Much like those first disciples, we have a choice to wait in anticipation for the promises of God to be realised in some way – and some of these promises most likely lie beyond our lifespan, as they have our forebears.
Living as if God is Sovereign is difficult when the evidence of our own eyes and experience suggest otherwise. And our experience is comfortable compared to refugees displaced by war or children trafficked to satisfy the lust of others. In living as if there is some divine order in the world, are we deluded or worse, seeking to wrap human misery in a fantasy of our own imagination?
It is more than anything else the clearest demonstration of faith, something insubstantial that lies well beyond the reach of reason. Conviction defies logic. And logic has its limitations, as scientific research reveals with increasing regularity. Logic has its place, yet so does faith.
A group of frightened disciples overwhelmed with disappointment are encouraged by meeting the Lord in risen form. Now obediently locked in the upper room, fearful for their fate, they are about to experience the outpouring of God’s love in supernatural form. Yet, even as they receive the most remarkable gifts and will observe supernatural intervention, their lives will be subject to imprisonment, torture and cruel execution, simply for keeping faith with the Lord who has called them, yet is now ascended.
It is indeed a challenge following Jesus. Yet, twelve disciples are empowered to turn their whole world upside down. And so can we…
QUESTION: Will you continue to pray, “your Kingdom come, your will be done”?
NOVENA PRAYER: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, may my heart desire your kingdom above my own, your will not my will, and your purpose in all things. Give me eyes to discern your kingdom way, and hands that work in collaboration with your Holy Spirit to build that kingdom here on the earth. I entrust myself to you once more this day.