Premier Novena 2018: Day Eight
Matthew 25:34 NLT
'Then the King will say to those on his right, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world.'
Once while in Cairo airport, all the luggage from our plane was mislaid. Every so often a different passenger would approach a member of staff, only to be told they would have their luggage in ten minutes. No luggage appeared and ten minutes became two hours with no sign of our suitcases. The passengers’ mood deteriorated, not only because they were still separated from their luggage, but because the delay they were told to expect was a total misrepresentation of reality.
Waiting is the natural stance for God’s followers. We await God’s kingdom in all its fullness and we so easily miss God if we fail to stop and wait and watch. While we wait, we find ourselves filling the time with a variety of activities. All such activities will be weighed by God and where evidence exists that reveals righteousness, it shall be credited to us.
My love for Katey expressed itself in a variety of ways as we encountered MS. My frustration often broke through as we waited on God before the experience made a shred of sense to either one of us. As for my actions, I would not count them as acts of righteousness, more actions born of necessity. I was weary, worn down and cranky along the way, yet somehow we hung onto each other and God too. It never got easier and we were misunderstood by a watching world.
I assume Katey already knows the degree to which her life was considered as righteousness. I await my own appointment with death to discover the truth. Our society platforms individuals and distributes meaningless honours as symbols of its own measure of righteousness. God, however, has the only meaningful and final judgement on the matter.
QUESTION: What are you waiting for God to do or change in your life or those who you love the most?
NOVENA PRAYER: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, may my heart desire your kingdom above my own, your will not my will, and your purpose in all things. Give me eyes to discern your kingdom way, and hands that work in collaboration with your Holy Spirit to build that kingdom here on the earth. I entrust myself to you once more this day.