Day 22 - Issue 25
Hebrews 2:10 NLT
'God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a perfect leader, fit to bring them into their salvation.'
How many people would volunteer to live a life of suffering? Not me and probably not you. Gazing out across our world, we see huge swathes of suffering, from stateless refugees to starving populations through famine or war. Even on our own doorstep homelessness has risen, and the rapid growth in food banks suggests poverty is on the increase.
When things are going well it is easy to be caught up in the goodness of life and fail to see the human suffering that surrounds us. Its scale is often what prevents us engaging more directly, for answers lie well beyond our competence. Certainly I would have continued completely unaware of the complexities of suffering had it not come knocking on my door. The journey with Katey’s MS caught me unawares and changed me forever.
It is perhaps a comfort to consider that Jesus walked a path of suffering. The scripture uses the word ‘perfected’ as if the suffering was of some medicinal benefit. It can sound somewhat callous and cruel on God’s part, but that’s perhaps to miss the point. In perfecting something I am providing the finishing touches. Is suffering one tool to help put the finishing touches to my life of faith and faithfulness? Have I invited God to use whatever tool he sees fit for my perfection when surrendering to God?
Was Katey perfected through suffering? I can say she endured and emerged a wonderful person through that difficult journey. I can say I was radically reformatted as a direct result. Did we want it? Emphatically no! Did we embrace it? Eventually, yes! Was an early death a defeat for Katey? Not really, as she entered into her rest and the fullest expression of herself in eternity with Christ. Lest we forget, death has no longer any sting (see 1 Corinthians 15:55-57). There is here a deep mystery that surrounds suffering, one that becomes deeper the moment we are invited to walk its demanding path.
QUESTION: Do you think suffering is something that should always be resisted?
PRAYER: Lord, help me to relieve the sufferings of others and endure with faith the trials that I have to face.