Day 20 - Issue 25

Acts 9:36 NLT

'There was a believer in Joppa named Tabitha (which in Greek is Dorcas). She was always doing kind things for others and helping the poor.'

In an article entitled ‘The History of Random Acts of Kindness’ I learned that it all started in a restaurant in Sausalito, California in 1982 where Anne Herbert scrawled on a placemat the following words: ‘practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty’. Yet, here in Joppa, Luke introduces us to Dorcas, commended for her acts of kindness. It seems as if as Christians we may have failed to capitalise upon a simple, foundational responsibility of discipleship.

Dorcas simply got on with doing good works, so when she died she was greatly mourned. So much so that Peter came, prayed for her and she was restored to life. God wants kind people.

One reason older people are ignored is that often they are slow. All this demonstrates just how self-centred we have each become, which is why in 1982 a placemat slogan left such a lasting impression. It has given birth to [itals][end itals], a foundation dedicated to building a kinder world. Hold on! Isn’t that the invitation the Church accepted from Jesus?

If we left our homes each day with a commitment to put other people’s interests ahead of our own through spontaneous acts of random kindness, kingdom behaviours would begin to express themselves all over the country. Given that we know we are hardwired to mirror other human beings, before long we would be multiplying such random acts a hundredfold and run the risk of an epidemic of kindness spreading nationwide. Do something thoughtful, say something complimentary, and offer your support. It’s not difficult. It puts a smile on their face as well as on yours. It costs us little and reminds us to love our neighbour – precisely the same way we want to be loved.

QUESTION: What random acts of kindness might you carry out today?

PRAYER: Lord, you have been so kind to me; help me be kind to others.


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