Day 2 - Issue 25

Matthew 28:2 NLT

'Suddenly there was a great earthquake! For an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, rolled aside the stone, and sat on it.'

Jayne, my second wife, spent some time living in San Francisco. Straddling the San Andreas Fault, the city is subject to frequent earthquakes. The majority go unreported since they are small. Yet, Jayne often returned home to find pictures and books on the floor, shaken loose by the tremors. Just as Jesus’ death was marked by nature, so too was his resurrection. The fractured earth, subject to the fall alongside humanity, gave voice to this moment in time. The sealed tomb, protected by Roman guards, was broken into not by human force but by the power of heaven. An angel rolled the stone away to reveal the empty tomb.

Mary and the disciples had hoped up to the last agonised cry from the cross for a miracle. Now they faced coming to terms with the reality that their commitment was misplaced. Jesus was not the Messiah they had imagined. This conclusion was based upon the fact that dead men have no power. Yet, God will always call us to live beyond what we conceive is possible. Also to live with the discomfort living beyond our comfort zone always brings.

When I began to discover the harsh truth of what caring for Katey meant, I was afraid and resentful. I made my way to Katey each day to perform those necessary caring tasks without a thought that I might meet Jesus there. While the MS did its best to control and constrain Katey, nature was not content to let things rest. The Spirit of God moved on Katey and her world began to shake. Emerging from this fragile body, a woman of hope and spirit emerged, unwilling to remain buried beneath the prognosis of others. The tomb was empty, my wife was not incarcerated within the cruel clutches of MS. She was with Jesus and invited me to look beyond my fear and resentment and worship the risen Lord alongside her.

QUESTION: Where are the edges of your comfort zone?

PRAYER: Sovereign Lord, thank you that you are able to bring life where no one else can.

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