Day 50 - Issue 24
John 14:26 NLT
'But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative – that is, the Holy Spirit – he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.'
Here Jesus promises a helper in all of life, the Holy Spirit. As a new Christian I discovered the Spirit for the first time as I was, to use the language of the time, baptised in the Holy Spirit. My introduction to the third person of the Trinity brought my two years of Christian discipleship to life. I found an intimate connection with God that had eluded me to that point. I prayed and developed the ability to distinguish between my emotional responses and the Spirit’s leading. Our meetings were alive as we made space for the Spirit. Our lives were devoted to pursuing the leading of the Spirit.
Initially, when the wheels came off following Katey’s diagnosis, my spiritual navigation system crashed. I was consumed with me and haunted by my fears, all at a very human, mortal level. Only slowly did I rebuild that navigation system and discover the Spirit was as present in our crisis as in the prime of my ministry. Jesus’ promise of the Spirit was true and I needed to learn how to live in the Spirit with pain, anger and disappointment. Together Katey and I listened to God’s Spirit and even as we were sinking beneath the weight of our bleak circumstances, found the light of the Spirit to guide our steps and the means to live along the way.
The Holy Spirit, always present to God’s disciples, is easily drowned out through our human capacity to take control of and manage our lives.
QUESTION: In what ways do you experience the Spirit’s leading in your life?
PRAYER: Spirit of God, illuminate my heart and fill my day with your light.