Day 48 - Issue 24
John 16:33 NLT
'Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.'
The medieval Church developed the practice of [itals]memento mori[end itals], Latin for “remember that you will die”. It may sound macabre, yet this is what Jesus takes a large amount of time explaining to his disciples. None of the benefits of redemption were unlocked until Jesus died, which is perhaps another positive way to look at death. Jesus’ own words remind us of the reality of crucifixion and resurrection as he declares that he has overcome every principality and power that seeks to assert itself against us.
At the end of the Second World War, my dad found himself in Berlin surrounded by all the consequences of war. Rubble from 600,000 homes plus public buildings littered the streets. All the normal life-supporting services were gone and there was a lack of food, no means for employment and no legitimate government. Yet, within a short period of time, Berlin rose from the ashes to become today the leading European city, capital of the strongest European economy.
It takes resilience and imagination to recover from apparent disaster. Living among rubble while struggling to sustain life on a daily basis offers little by way of hope. Yet, if we can look beyond the immediate landscape and see what lies ahead, anyone can rise above their circumstances and make huge differences for their life and the lives of others. This is as much a challenge to us as it was to those first disciples. They had to take Jesus at his word. As his wounded body hung dead on a wooden cross, all bets were off regarding a spirit-filled future. Yet, Jesus rose and appeared to those disciples and confirmed his victory. They were invited to engage in a massive rebuilding project, one in which the reality of death was never far from them. Many indeed gave their lives in consolidating that victory.
Where we see rubble and the consequences of war, God invites us to acknowledge the fragility of life. Yet, he also calls upon us to strengthen our resolve and imagine the end from the beginning. Only then can we rebuild from the apparent total destruction of many hopes and dreams.
QUESTION: What vision of the future do you have?
PRAYER: Sovereign Lord, praise you that out of the rubble you can rebuild and restore.