Day 40 - Issue 24
Exodus 16:8 NLT
'The Lord will give you meat to eat in the evening and bread to satisfy you in the morning, for he has heard all your complaints against him.'
A problem with spiritual challenge is that in aspiring to be further on, we can easily condemn ourselves if we hold back from where our heart is leading us.
As Katie and I walked the way of childlessness, I felt I needed to be strong. I had to hold the line in faith. All this did was eventually to lead to a breakdown, which might have been avoided had I honestly acknowledged my disappointment and pain throughout the journey.
Even as Israel again fails to demonstrate confidence in God, God refuses to condemn Israel. If it’s food that is required to ease their anxiety, then food will be provided. Yet, I’m privy to Jesus’ remark that “people do not live by bread alone” (Matthew 4:4). In the everyday of life, I cry out to God and God responds. Yet, have I grasped what it is that God really wants me to discover? God is forever seeking to find the true me. This is most often buried beneath my real and felt needs, needs that distract me from my pursuit of God. Often in pursuit of such needs I may unwittingly remove myself from the shelter of God’s wings.
I have come to the conclusion that God is at the heart of all of life experience. I may not be where I planned or imagined many years ago. I may indeed wonder if where I am is the best place to be. However, I can either fix my gaze upon location and circumstance or lift my eyes and acknowledge this is where I am and God is with me. In this space God will care for me, although I might start with exercising my complaint towards God. It takes work to discern and discover God in barren places.
QUESTION: Are you complaining about where you are, or are you satisfied by the Lord?
PRAYER: Lord, may I be satisfied, morning and evening, by all that you are and do.