Day 10 - Issue 24
Matthew 2:22 NLT
'But when he learned that the new ruler of Judea was Herod’s son Archelaus, he was afraid to go there. Then, after being warned in a dream, he left for the region of Galilee.'
In reflecting upon the journey with God, it’s natural that much is spoken and written about listening to him. However, just as the Church journeys through the liturgical season called ‘Ordinary Time’, so our lives have long seasons that might be named ordinary. Joseph is finally alerted to the fact that Herod is dead and he can safely return his family to the land of Israel.
However, hearing that Herod’s son is still ruling and fearing for Jesus’ life, he takes a decision to locate his family in Nazareth. He believes this to be beyond the reach of Archelaus, ruler of Judea. The point is that we do not need inspiration to take godly decisions. God leaves the majority of decisions within our own hands with little need of supernatural intervention. Indeed Mary, Joseph and Jesus entered into a long period of ordinary time up to the start of Jesus’ ministry.
As Katey and I battled with childlessness, we engaged in numerous fasts and prayers demanding God’s reversal of our infertility. Yet, slowly we came to realise that we must walk in all God had for us now. Walk through a very ordinary time with little encouragement for our faith, save maintaining our regular rhythm of life, including prayer and considering scripture together. Little did we know that ten years ahead lay a child who was to choose to adopt us as additional parents alongside a single mum to whom we offered a home.
I believe in an interventionist God, for I have experienced such interventions too often to deny their potency and reality. Yet, I also recognise God treats me as an adult and expects me to get on with life, however I find it, and take decisions that don’t require God’s approval. Life in the main is living by the revelation of scripture that has sufficient within it to reveal what constitutes the virtuous, or godly, life.
QUESTION: Do you expect God to intervene on a regular basis or alternatively do you make all your decisions without regard to God at all?
PRAYER: Lord, teach me your ways throughout all my days to honour and glorify you.