Day 9 - Issue 24
Matthew 2:17 NLT
'Herod’s brutal action fulfilled what God had spoken through the prophet Jeremiah.'
I enjoy leading retreats based upon the reality that the Bible is the living word of God. By this I simply mean that each time I turn to scripture, however familiar my head is with the text, I can meet Christ afresh within it. A fresh encounter takes nothing away from theology established down through history as a guarantor of what we believe as the Christian community. And in an ever-expanding universe, with a creator God, theology must expand as our engagement with God continues, as in any viable relationship.
So when reading the Old Testament, it is not merely to find the foundations for New Testament truth. The Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, is also a living revelation, as is clearly demonstrated here. The stand-off between Herod, the Magi and the holy family is not only choreographed by God, its reality had forever been embedded within the scripture, and now the disciples had eyes to see what had not so far impacted the contemporary context.
In going to scripture we need eyes to see, and ears to listen. Our challenge is that it suggests moving beyond the rational. Yet, it demands this only in encounter and does not expect us to behave irrationally. In hindsight, Joseph’s actions display a rational approach to self-preservation of himself and his family. I wonder if family awaiting their return thought it a somewhat bizarre way of behaving; moving to Egypt without telling anyone.
Throughout history, the Church has been a prophetic voice to society. However, it battles with becoming conformed, or squeezed into the shape of acceptable, normalised contemporary culture. Too often its actions are born out of a risk-aversion strategy rather than a willingness to incarnate the life of God. Once again we are invited to approach scripture, God’s word, in the expectation that God will speak.
QUESTION: What helps you meet God through the pages of scripture?
PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, that through your Holy Spirit we can meet a living God through your living word.