Day 60 - Issue 23

Luke 2:11 NLT

'The Savior – yes, the Messiah, the Lord – has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!'

I am very grateful to all my learning throughout my life. Today as I pursue the life of a contemplative, I also seek to remain true to my encounter with the Holy Spirit. I describe myself as a contemplative charismatic. The danger with leaning too heavily upon the charismatic is that we expect God to move supernaturally in every moment of every day.

Here a bunch of worldly wise shepherds were resting with their flocks at night. Suddenly, an angel addresses them and then the heavens are lit up as an angelic choir provides them with the concert of their life. Of course, with Jesus’ birth hidden from public scrutiny in an anonymous stable, the news of it required special angelic heralds. God chose those least trusted by their society to receive the first report. They were not expecting this news, had little intention of leaving their sheep and very little expectation that anyone might regard them as special. So for a start, if you are down on yourself and don’t feel appreciated or loved, even noticed in the turmoil of life, this is good news, for this choir is singing to you today! God declares you are significant enough to receive God’s personal invitation to make your way to the Messiah’s manger.

God had to begin the process of grabbing the world’s attention. He didn’t initially select the establishment consisting of politicians and religious leaders. God chose the least in order to reinforce the message that this is the heart of God’s gospel. Jesus is primarily for the least and the lost among us. So a heavenly concert certainly focused minds, and the shepherds responded to the invitation. God uses supernatural intervention to grab our attention and reveal his presence. It is never a back-up when emergency services fail us. God has purpose in every intervention. Supernatural miracles are not just to make my life better. Katey and I discovered the miracle in her MS lay well beyond our initial instinct to secure physical healing. And death itself is the adventure we live our whole lives to embrace with enthusiasm and excitement.

QUESTION: Have you seen God act supernaturally in the lives of people you know?

PRAYER: Gracious Lord, thank you for sending me and the world a saviour in Jesus Christ

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