Day 58 - Issue 23
Luke 2:6 NLT
'And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born.'
Living in a kingdom as we do, there is considerable media attention both before and after a royal birth. This is not a private occasion, with series of cute photos appearing in special supplements and glossy magazines. The entry of Jesus into the world was very different, albeit the King of all creation was a target from the moment news of his birth became known.
I remember Jayne at the end of her pregnancy exhilarated and exhausted in equal measure as she waited to give birth. It was summer and the heat became a challenge; she yearned for the baby to step into the world. This yearning sets the tone for Christmas week, for we too long for the arrival of our King.
I spend time with older people; many become restless as their physical strength declines and their place in society becomes increasingly invisible. They struggle to find a sense of purpose and meaning for themselves. I’ve spoken to some who are very old who make the claim they have not died because they cannot have fulfilled their purpose yet. Ask them what that purpose is, and they can’t put it into words. But our purpose is never a mystery; God makes it clear. It is for each one of us to accept and live out that purpose, found only in him.
Both Mary and Zechariah had heard the purpose of their child at the time of conception. As parents they were entrusted to communicate that purpose. As Christmas approaches, it invites us to revisit our purpose. God’s great gift to each one of us is to offer meaning to our individual existence. This meaning enables us to make peace with ourselves and our circumstances. Such peace births hope. Hope enables us to live and die well.
QUESTION: How do you view your life? Have you clarity over your purpose?
PRAYER: Heavenly Lord, help me to glorify you and enjoy you with my whole heart.