Day 56 - Issue 23
Luke 1:79 NLT
'Give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and…guide us to the path of peace.'
Advent is the season of light. Candles are traditionally lit each Sunday marking the journey towards the crib that holds the Light of the World. I have always been a great advocate of candles. They simply remind me of the phrase, “It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” And there’s much darkness around us. As I observe my daughter seeking to make her way in life, giving expression to her dreams in performance and costume design, the cost is huge. London offers the critical market into which she can promote her skills. But the cost of rental is near criminal. How can anyone start a career where rental will consume 60 per cent of an average UK salary? Then there’s council tax, travel and the occasional need to eat, and rising student debt.
Of course, if one gazes into the gathering gloom, one must turn one’s back to the light. Yet, Christmas suggests that the darkness is, in fact, now facing the challenge of the dawn. I love getting up early to watch the sun rise. Those first moments as light creeps over the horizon signal that the sun will soon follow in its wake. This is the herald for sunrise, just as Jesus is the herald of fresh hope and a new dawn.
How long has Zechariah waited in hope? It was from the day long past when God made a promise to Abraham. This was the moment for all those in the bleakest hour of the night that the darkness was defeated and the kingdom of light, life and hope was birthed upon the earth. I, like my daughter, live safely and relatively comfortably compared to others, yet with increasing uncertainty surrounding our medium and long-term security. The light of Christmas opens our eyes to a completely new social economy and breathes hope into our aching souls.
QUESTION: Where do you see darkness and where do you see light in your community?
PRAYER: Thank you, holy God, for sending us the Light of the World.