Day 52 - Issue 23
Luke 1:41 NLT
At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
I remember the impact baptism in the Spirit made in my life. I had been a Christian for two years and was struggling. The terrier in me just kept going at ‘Quiet Times’ and prayer meetings, but in truth it was as dry as old bones. I was beginning to question why I bothered. One evening at a Christian event including Clive Calver and Graham Kendrick, I made my way to the front in response to an offer to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I always believed in putting myself in the place where God might be, no matter how I felt.
My attention was held as Clive said, “I won’t pray with you now. If you say yes to the Spirit, God will demand everything of you.” He sent me off into the night to ponder these words and said if I returned he would pray for me. I wandered not knowing how to ponder, but knew I wanted more of God. In intrigue more than faith, I returned. Clive prayed and I encountered God in a deep way. I was surrounded by love. I felt completely safe. I sensed something of the infinite.
Mary reaches her cousin’s house and as they greet, Elizabeth’s baby leaps within her. Already the gift of God is active in a joyful yet very ordinary human scene. Mary discovered that the trust she had placed in God was real as Elizabeth confirmed Mary’s pregnancy before Mary knew, apart from the angel’s declaration. When God works, human constraints are of little concern. God moves as he chooses, despite the plans and processes within which we order our lives from local to international level.
Baptism in the Spirit might prove controversial. I say, call it what you will but my life exploded in God with new vigour and meaning from that night on. Along with my conversion, it’s an incident I can neither rationalise nor dismiss. Its reality remains so palpable that I can’t deny it, however much I want or try to. Reality bites, yet it opens an avenue into God’s heart that sustains hope and life within the harshest reality.
QUESTION: What opportunities do you have in your normal routine to step out and trust God?
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift, filling and outpouring of your Holy Spirit.