Day 50 - Issue 23
Luke 3:12 NLT
Even corrupt tax collectors came to be baptized and asked, “Teacher, what should we do?”
Some years ago it was the fashion to wear a bracelet imprinted with the letters, ‘WWJD’. These stood for: “What would Jesus do?” It provided a provocation to check if one’s thoughts and actions lined up with Jesus’ way. Yet, this is not the question that is most important, it would seem. Here those approaching John for baptism asked the simple question, “What should we do?” I am the only person who exercises control over my own choices. I determine the degree to which I implement what I hear Jesus say.
When Katey faced MS, my mind thought, “WWJD?” I gathered the elders, stormed heaven’s gates in search of physical healing and fasted till I dropped in search of a miracle. This is what I saw Jesus do in the Bible and so this provided my roadmap in responding to the diagnosis. My efforts apparently went unheard and unrewarded. Like those who berated Jesus upon the cross I cried out in anger, “So you can heal others yet choose to ignore us! How can we trust you?”
I felt guilty even as I spoke back to God in this way, yet had no need to, for this is how I felt. It was a milestone on the road of attending to the voice of God along my walk of Christian discipleship. Slowly I turned the question around and began where Jesus always wants to begin, with me. I now searched for an answer to, “What should I do?” The obvious stared me in the face. Love and care for Katey.
I was constantly battling with uncertainty mixed with disappointment; an inner emptiness tinged with regret and a sense of loss for what I once had, both in marriage and in Christian ministry. Yet, in all of that clutter I was inching my way closer to God. I was discovering how I might manage all those swirling thoughts that sought to capture my mood and dictate my behaviours. I began to step from childhood into adulthood, taking responsibility for my own overall development, spiritually, emotionally and psychologically.
QUESTION: Take time now to ask, “Jesus, what should I do?” Pay close attention to all God says.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to be growing in obedience and take steps even today to follow you.