Day 46 - Issue 23
Luke 15:20 NLT
So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.
Here in the Oratory, we grew vegetables for the first time this year. Jayne is our ‘propagator’ and she carefully nurtured these veg from seed to crop. Spring proved a busy time with sowing and then waiting before shoots appeared in the small pots. However, the growing shoots soon needed to be transplanted into larger pots for their further growth. Later, outside they had to fend for themselves against the elements.
There are plenty of shoots throughout the Old Testament that speak of the reality of God. However, they appear offering hope, only to disappear again with no lasting harvest. Throughout Advent we wait to see if these shoots might actually produce a crop to feed and nourish us. Each day we recall another indicator of God’s love and the approaching manifestation of God in the earth. Jesus is the realisation and fulfilment of all those signs. Yet, the success of God’s incarnational vision is placed in the hands of individual women and men.
Jayne and I had little gardening experience, but we followed instructions, grew our vegetables and dined off the fruit. Nothing tastes finer than that which is the result of one’s own endeavours. However, the heart of our success lay within the quality of the seed that was planted.
During the next four weeks as we make our way to Christmas, the redemption of the world lies deep within the heart of God and well beyond our comprehension. Yet, we are invited to make a journey once again to Bethlehem to welcome the saviour, preparing our hearts and lives once more for this event. Advent offers us the opportunity to reflect on a year past and renew our pursuit of God. It invites us to consider who we are waiting for and what attitude occupies our heart in the waiting.
QUESTION: What has God been growing in your life the past year?
PRAYER: Lord, continue to work out your purposes in my life.