Day 12 - Issue 23
Psalm 126:2 NLT
We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, “What amazing things the LORD has done for them.”
When locked into challenging circumstances, it can prove hard to imagine anything other than the continuation of the daily grind, with its relentless wear and tear on our resources, emotions, psyche and health. In such moments we look to a fresh revelation of God, reviving hope. In the heat of the storm in caring for Katey, observing her steady deterioration, I would return to a photograph of us in happier times. This was not to escape reality, but to remind me of the person Katey truly was despite her wasting away before my eyes. It also refreshed my memory as to who I truly was, even as I thrashed about in the stormy waters that sought to consume us.
When facing difficulty, it is wise to consider life beyond the hardship. Not to escape it, but to seek sanctuary in the fact that this is not the essence of life. Yes, it consumes every moment and demands my full attention, yet I dare to dream, to look beyond the constraints life lays upon me. I’m reminded that I am not defined by present troubles, for I am joined to God, along with others, many of whom are fighting their own battles, and may have stories of survival. When I manage to do this, then indeed I can experience some moments of release from the immediate anxiety, and my mouth fills with laughter.
Learning to laugh is often a healthy sign of navigating life’s trials effectively. We no longer chafe at the hand life dealt us, but find ways of drawing strength from what we know of God for all we are experiencing in life.
QUESTION: You might not be able to change your circumstances, but how might you change your perspective?
PRAYER: Lord, help me to see your goodness and grace in every moment of life, help me know the depth of your love to me in Christ, and let the joy of that love rise in my heart.