Day 56 - Issue 22
1 Corinthians 1:4 NLT
'I always thank my God for you and for the gracious gifts he has given you, now that you belong to Christ Jesus.'
I used to train new workers in Youth for Christ. I always asked them the five most important things for a new Christian. Prayer, Bible reading and attending church were always the top three. A little later I asked them to identify the five most challenging things in their Christian life. Well, back they came: prayer, Bible reading and going to church. It wasn’t lost on any of us that what we most insist upon is often that which we find most challenging.
One thing that can often be lost is grace. I like to think of it as the poise associated with an accomplished dancer or sportsperson. It is self-evident that they are trained as well as competent in their chosen discipline. If I were to meet them on the street I may not know their discipline, yet I’d recognise their grace.
So it is with the Church, and Paul is speaking to the congregation not the individual here. We turn up unfit for the opportunity gifted us by God. There is little sign of the poise or grace associated with those engaged in God’s work. Often it’s a challenge recalling what we are gathering together for.
Our act of worship, whenever that takes place, is not simply time with God. I stumble in uncertain of what’s about to happen, grab a mug of coffee before engaging in some semblance of worship. If worship feels dull and monotonous, then the problem is less with the worship (always dependent upon how alert the leadership team are on the day) and more about my own worship unfitness.
I’m tired of lethargic worship. Turning up and doffing my cap to the Lord of All just doesn’t cut it. I want to prepare my heart well before arrival and relive the drama of the Eucharistic journey afresh each week. Repetition is only monotony to the lost, lazy or unimaginative.
QUESTION: Where would you place yourself on the worship fitness scale?
PRAYER: Jesus, train me in righteousness, but also in delighting in wonder, love and praise.