Day 62 - Issue 21
Psalm 103:12 NLT
'He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.'
As I grew up I developed a great skill at lying; the truth was never as enticing to me as a lie. I would misdirect my parents’ attention from the real reason a plant or window was broken with a compelling story about how the evidence before them had amassed. I never experienced any guilt, yet as I have grown older I have feelings of regret. This is largely because I now think that my relationship with untruth actually impacted my development as a human being in a negative way. I was always looking for a way out, when discovering a way through might have matured me quicker.
Still, regrets can be in themselves an expression of guilt. The burden does not lay heavy upon me. However, it is a wonder to consider that God invites me to live free of regrets. A simple acknowledgement of wrongdoing, and the distance placed between it and my standing with God is infinite. There are no recriminations. This is difficult to accept since I suppose there is something I find therapeutic in being found out and facing suitable punishment. I truly have to come to terms with the reality that I am incapable of helping myself; totally God-dependent.
My Christian life has been marked with an increasing embrace of truth-telling. Yet, I have also discovered that telling the truth can be equally unsettling for others. Learning to express a preference not to attend a gathering, without causing offence while not telling a lie, is hard. I can rationalise ‘white lies’ along the lines of seeking to save face all round, as an expression of respecting the other. However, I then live with the knowledge that I haven’t been completely honest with another.
God speaks the complete truth about our world and our humanity. Is it that I resist recognising my frailty? Is it perhaps that I feel uncomfortable if I extend grace towards you in recognition that you share the same human frailty? Learning to live in humble and honest relationship with each other is a tough gig.
QUESTION: How are you with always telling the truth?
PRAYER: Lord, the wonder of your forgiveness is too great for me, but I am so thankful.