Day 56 - Issue 21
Luke 10:40 NLT
She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.”
The challenge for me in life is learning to view events through the right lens. Here Martha is acutely conscious of her hard work, and interprets Jesus’ failure to encourage Mary to get stuck in and help her as in some way demeaning her. She takes it personally and is hurt.
I’ve so often viewed my work by contrasting my efforts with others and inwardly condemning them for failing to pull their weight. I haven’t actually requested help, merely made judgements based upon my own assumptions and the lens through which I’m peering. Here in the Oratory it’s my responsibility to manage the household. So organising laundry, grocery shopping, designing, cooking and serving meals are all down to me. I needn’t do it all, but sometimes I inwardly sigh and do it anyway, because I can’t be bothered to delegate or feel my way is the best and only way.
Slowly I’ve discovered my initial assumptions are usually wrong. Forged from self-pity, they induce a sharp reaction to others. Like Martha, I think they should be helping me. Yet, if I understand my role, then surely I have the means both to do the work I want and need to do, while requesting assistance from others who benefit from Oratory life. I need to advise Mum where to place her dishes if I resent trailing around the house collecting cups and plates. I must ask Jayne to dust or sort laundry. It’s all too easy to become consumed with doing, so that we fail to have any time for resting.
It is the view we take on life that determines our reaction and response. I am chilled about my Oratory role, and have learned to ask for assistance and share where I feel the stress around certain pinch points. Just communicating my pressure helps, and often a listening ear is all I need. Historically I’d have fretted and moaned, and developed unhealthy and unjust opinions of others who are completely unaware of my feelings.
QUESTION: Do you complain to God when you feel unfairly burdened?
PRAYER: Lord, even when I feel there is too much to do, help me find my rest in you.