The Mindful Dietitian with Glenys Oyston
Glenys Oyston on stepping away from numbers, body diversity in the professional spaces and the importance of community.
Join me as I speak with our colleague, the feirce and fabulous Dietitian Glenys Oyston as we dive down into a number of different topics relevant to our work in supporting people to heal their relationship with food, eating and their body.
Here we'll be exploring and talking about:
- Glenys' personal journey, and how her own experience helps her support others
- What exactly is "Health At Every Size?"
- How to support people to step away from numbers, and the scale
- Can we weigh people in a neutral way?
- Being a Dietitian who lives in a larger body, and her experience
- Actively promoting and welcoming body diversity in Dietetics
- Promoting HAES in Dietetic training
- The Dare Not to Diet Society - share people's wins!
- How Dietitians Unplugged Podcast came to be
About Glenys:
Glenys Oyston is a registered dietitian and eating coach who dares women to stop dieting and start living. As someone who struggled with her weight and feeling out-of-control around food for years, she knows exactly what others are going through and how to get them to food freedom. She coaches people online or by phone through one-on-one and group coaching programs. You can find her at and on her podcast Dietitians Unplugged.