EP09 | Understanding Training Volume for Maximum Muscle Gains with Mike Israetel
Along with being a competitive powerlifter, bodybuilder, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu grappler, Mike is a professor of Exercise Science at Temple University in Philadelphia and is the Head Science Consultant at Renaissance Periodisation. We dive into Mike’s ‘Volume Landmarks’ and what that means for you and Muscle Growth, or an easier way to put it the why’s, how’s and in’s & out’s or Training Volume to ‘maximise’ your Muscle Gains.
We dive into;
- What is training Volume & why it’s Key for Muscle Growth.
- The ‘Volume’ terminology and what they Mean.
- The importance of Deloads & Recovery
- Sport/GAA & Training Volume
For the show notes, go here: docfitnessonline.com/episode9