Understanding The Dual Mirror in Transurfing

In this episode I do a deep dive on Chapter 18 of the book Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland called The Mirror World.


One of the most popular and interesting subjects in Vadim Zeland's Reality Transurfing and Tufti the Priestess is the mirror principle.  


According to Zeland, The whole world can be seen as a gigantic dual mirror. On one side of the mirror lies the physical Universe and on the other side of the mirror lies the metaphysical alternatives space.


All around you is an intelligent 3-dimensional mirror that reflects back to you but tries to hide that it is a reflection.  Once you realize what this truly means reality becomes yours to compose.


The other side of the mirror is the alternatives space where anything is possible. Where does the mirror end?  How does it work?  How do we use the mirror principle in our every day lives?


Your actions and thoughts are reflected back to you in incredible ways allowing you to work magic on the outer world.


The word mirror is mentioned 326 times in reality transurfing.  When I started to apply these teachings in my life it really helped me to understand the actions I needed to take to manifest my dreams and achieve my goals.


I have explored this in other episodes of the Reality Revolution but in this I focused how it is explained in the chapter in the book Reality Transurfing called the Mirror World.  This discusses the the key mirror principles and how you can apply them in your life.


The music by Mettaverse is awesome.


Subscribe to their channel here



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"Solstice" ✧ Revitalizing Ambient Music ✧ Return to the Light

"Light Quotient" ✧ Study & Focus ✧ Alleviate Stress ✧ Rife Frequency 492.8 Hz

528Hz - DNA Repair - Musical Mathematical Matrix of Creation

Tranquil Hang Drum Music ✧ 396Hz Solfeggio Scale

Through the haze Ambient blade runner tribute meditation 582hz

777hz deep relaxation

Tibetan singing bowls rain and thunder 432hz

Sea of Samsara Karmic Clearing

111hz the language of light balancing the light 444hz

Love the universal constant 111hz 444hz tuning

111hz The Heart of True Being

Into the Omniverse 963hz pineal gland activation

768hz throat chakra inspire creativity



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