Neville Goddard The Pruning Shears of Revision

Once again I dive into another one of Neville Goddard's brilliant lectures.  This one is called The Pruning Shears of Revision.


This deals with the wonderful technique called revision which you revise you previous day as you go to bed.  I believe when done regularly this helps you to avoid induced transitions into negative lifelines and helps keep you on the path of your intention.  Neville's writing and examples are fantastic


I used 3 songs by Mettaverse on this and it is truly epic. Look for the playlist below.


Check out Mettaverse on Youtube the music is incredible.


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"Solstice" ✧ Revitalizing Ambient Music ✧ Return to the Light

"Light Quotient" ✧ Study & Focus ✧ Alleviate Stress ✧ Rife Frequency 492.8 Hz

Tranquil Hang Drum Music ✧ 396Hz Solfeggio Scale

528Hz - DNA Repair - Musical Mathematical Matrix of Creation


Music by Mettaverse


111Hz ✧ The Language of Light ✧ Balancing the Mind ✧ 444Hz Tuning

777hz deep relaxation

111hz "the holy frequency"


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