Guided Meditation: Charging Water
Guided Meditation: Charging Water
Try this meditation any time you want to charge your water pulling the energy from the heavens and the earth into your heart. Charging the water into a bottle of chi. Loading it with an intention. It is simple yet very powerful. Try doing it once a day.
-"solstice" revitalizing ambient music return to the light
- Into the Omniverse, 963hz Pineal activation meditation
- First Source Awaken the Energetic Heart 111hz and subsuquent octaves -
- Sound Medicine 528HZ DNA integrity and 787HZ rife frequency
- 777 Deep Relaxation Angelic Frequency Scale
-111Hz ✧ The Language of Light ✧ Balancing the Mind ✧ 444Hz Tuning
-111Hz ✧ Cellular Healing ✧ The "Holy Frequency"
-Deep Relaxation ✧ Clear Negative Energies and Ease Tension ✧ 396Hz and 528Hz
-528Hz ✧ "Solar Winds" ✧ The Core Creative Frequency of Nature
-528HZ Miracle Tone Ambient Healing Music.
Music by Mettaverse
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