Transurfing the Waking Dream
One of the most interesting concepts in Vadim Zeland's Reality Transurfing is the idea of the waking dream.
In the Chapter Dreams of Gods, Zeland explores the ways in which reality interacts with the space of variations.
Zeland asks the question, "Where is the alternatives space?"
This chapter is important because here we see the beginnings of Tufti the Priestess and we see the first mention of something similar to the plait when Zeland discusses the Assemblage point.
This is also important because here we see the beginnings of the discussion of the mirror principle, here I read key passages from the beginning of the chapter.
#realitytransurfing #mendelbrot
Video created by Maths Town:
The music is mind blowing. Over 7 tracks by Mettaverse were used for this video.
-Sea of Samsara Karmic clearing 174HZ
-"solstice" revitalizing ambient music return to the light
- Through the haze Ambient blade runner tribute meditation 582hz
- First Source Awaken the Energetic Heart 111hz and subsuquent octaves for 10 minutes
Sound Medicine 528HZ DNA integrity and 787HZ rife frequency
777 Deep Relaxation Angelic Frequency Scale
111Hz ✧ Return to Source ✧ Emotional Clearing ✧ Ambient Meditative Music
Music by Mettaverse
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