020: How I Beat Eczema With the Right Probiotics, but Why Soap May Be Your Worst Enemy
In this episode, I tell the story of my own battle with eczema. I begin by describing my extraordinary recovery from extreme eczema using the right probiotic. I then describe how a more recent relapse led me to discover the incredible importance of mitigating soap exposure when gut-related approaches don't seem to work. In this episode, you'll find the following, and more: Chris Kresser’s interview with Glenn Taylor on fecal microbiota transplants inspired this episode. My own story with eczema. Recovery with Garden of Life's Primal Defense (now Primal Defense Ultra). Mild re-occurrence tied to poor gut, poor sleep, high work stress. Key feature of an effective probiotic for me is S. boullardii plus bacteria. Prostaglandin E2, derived from arachidonic acid, plays a central role in preventing eczema by water-proofing the skin. Humidity can "hide" eczema by preventing water loss through a dysfunctional skin barrier. Minimizing exposure to soap with kitchen gloves and by avoiding unnecessary hand washing are central to preventing topical aggravation of eczema. Topical application of a fat -- such as shea butter -- after soap exposure can mitigate the damage caused by the soap. It's important to pay attention to both the internal, systemic causes of eczema and the external, topical factors that will aggravate eczema once it has started.