006: Why "Glycation" Is a Bad Reason to Restrict Carbs

In this episode, I respond to a listener's question aboutwhether glycation is a good argument against a high-carbohydratediet. I agree that we should avoid refined carbs and emptycalories, but in this episode I describe why "glycation" is reallya misnomer and why carbohydrate is actually likely to protectagainst glycation. Glycation can be driven by the metabolism ofprotein, carbohydrate, and fat. Insulin protects against glycationfrom all three sources, and insulin signaling is strongest aftereating carbohydrate. In fact, glycation may actually serveimportant physiological roles under conditions of low insulinsignaling, so it is important not to view it as an intrinsically"bad" process. Although there are many unknowns, the evidence, evenif relatively weak, suggests that restricting carbohydrate is morelikely to increase glycation rather than decrease it.

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