Episode 081: David Kean
A conversation with David Kean, General Manager of Positronic, the latest acquisition to join the Amphenol family. Dave has been with Positronic for the last six years after working in locations worldwide for consumer goods and automotive businesses. We talk about what Positronic brings to the Amphenol family. We talk about feeling like a kid in a candy store to take advantage of all of the resources now available to them. We talk about how he and his family spent 14 years overseas because of various jobs. And we talk about his desert island album, book, and movie. This is The Interface.
Hosted by Chris Cappello. Music by Square Seed.
For The Interface podcast guest inquiries and suggestions: send an email to ccappello@amphenol-aao.com or LinkedIn message to https://www.linkedin.com/in/cjcappello.