Episode 021: Richard Jacobs
A conversation with Richard Jacobs, retired Director of Distribution for the Amphenol Corporation. Richard retired in 2018 after working for Amphenol for over 25 years, but he's spent a lifetime of working in the electronics industry going all the way back to his family's business when he was a young boy. We talk about his affinity for city life and his culture shock when working in rural upstate New York, we talk about his leading role in helping to grow Amphenol's distribution network, we talk about his current training to be a life coach in his post-retirement years, and I make him humor me with tales of his days hanging out at Studio 54 in New York City in the late 1970’s. This is The Interface.
Hosted by Chris Cappello. Music by Square Seed.
For The Interface podcast guest inquiries and suggestions: send an email to ccappello@amphenol-aao.com or send a LinkedIn message to https://www.linkedin.com/in/cjcappello/