How to Reach Your Goals I Business Success
Guys, TIME is so PRECIOUS - For me, every last minute counts! I cannot stress enough the IMPORTANCE of SPEED in our world today! Don’t use PERFECTION as an EXCUSE for PROCRASTINATION… Of course, there are times when perfection matters - these will be the things that your CUSTOMERS perceive as being EXCELLENT; But: Always keep your main focus on being PRODUCTIVE! Remember: SPEED creates more TIME, and time is essentially MONEY!
Sigurd Henrik Vedal is an American-Norwegian entrepreneur; brand architect; investor; life, business and relationship coach; public speaker; and social media personality.
He is also the CEO and owner of Vedal Holding Group, with a range of global companies and brands, generating millions of turnover annually, and growing.
He is well known for his work as an entrepreneur, brand architect, e-commerce- and social media specialist.
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