008: Pat Flynn - How To Create Passive Income... And Listen To Pat Show Off His Beatboxing Skills

Episode 008: How To Create Passive Income With Pat Flynn

This episode was a very special one to me.  Pat is one of my podcasting heroes.  I read his blog, Smart Passive Income and I listen to his award winning podcast all the time.  He is incredibly smart and so giving of his time.  He even broke out his signature beat boxing during our conversation!  There is so much great content in this episode.  I’m excited for YOU, the listener to learn more from Pat.

“If you’re comfortable, there might be a problem.” – Pat Flynn 


Welcome to Episode 008 with the creator of Smart Passive Income Pat Flynn

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The Learning Leader Show

“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” – John Wooden 

Some Questions I Ask:

  •      What specific things can people do to get outside of that zone?
  •       You share your monthly income report… This is very transparent and interesting.  What made you start sharing this?  
  •      What is the book that has had the biggest influence on your life?
  • At what specific moment did you know you had created something meaningful?
  • Why don’t you do paid consulting?

“Have a plan, work the plan, plan for the unexpected.” -  Terry Hoeppner

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • Why he gets 80K downloads per episode!  Wow.
  • About a time when he gave the most incredible “No Thank You” ever
  • How he’s become resilient and how you can too
  • The importance of loyalty to others
  • That Pat is a phenomenal beat boxer… He performs during this episode
  • Why he has a specific morning routine and his use of The 5 Minute Journal
  • The best advice he’s ever received

Continue Learning:

You may also like these episodes:

  • Episode 001: How to become a master connector with Jayson Gaignard from MasterMind Talks
  • Episode 002: How to take over and set bigger goals with Chris Brogan
  • Episode 003: The incredibly interesting story of Maurice Clarett and how he built a 6 figure income after spending 4 years in prison
  • Episode 007: How to be more charismatic with Jordan Harbinger from The Art Of Charm.  Also… Why Jordan completely disagrees with Howard Stern
  • Episode 009: The Creative Leader’s Guide to making money by thinking outside of the Box with Jason Zook (SurfrApp)


Did you enjoy the podcast?

As I said before, I absolutely cherished the time I had to speak with Pat.  He has been my podcasting hero for some time now and one of the inspirations behind me doing this.  I love the content he provided for all of you!  Who do you know that needs to hear this?  Send them to The Learning Leader Show!


In Pat’s words (from his website ) “I used to have a 9 to 5 job, which I really did enjoy. I was working as a Job Captain in an architecture firm and loving the line of work I was in. I had no plans to leave, but unfortunately there are some things you cannot control (like the economy) and so, in 2008 I was laid off.

Getting laid off is a weird feeling. One day you think everything is fine and for whatever reason the next day you don’t really know what you’re supposed to do anymore.

Instead of feeling bad about it, I immediately decided to work for myself from home. It turns out that getting laid off was the best thing that ever happened to me. Without my 9 to 5 job holding me back, I’ve since been able to earn more money and work less (with more flexible) hours – which in the end allows me to be home and spend time with my family.”


Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell



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