How Price Creeps Affect Your Bottom Line

In today’s episode of the Art of Passive Income, Mark and Scott discuss the importance of writing down your goals every week in order to accomplish them and eliminate self-doubt. 

They also discuss the hustle and why you should not let up off the gas, even during the holidays. It's important to keep the deal flow flowing by: 

  • Mailings—Mail out EVERY week! 20 a day keeps the needle moving. 
  • Marketing—Keep the ads and marketing out there! 

Even if your phone is ringing now, once you take your foot off the gas, it gets quiet and you will have to restart the wheel to get it primed up!  It takes 1-2 months to get a flow going again. 

Also discussed: 

Recent deals—What do you do when the property you bought that is underwater? You raise the price! There is a market for everything, you just have to find the right message and the right medium.

Avoid gotta-own-land-itis! Why you need to stick with your numbers to avoid the price creep. 

Being aggressive when things slow down. 

Plus, they answer questions from the Periscope community on newbie tips and what to do with defaults. 

Tip of the week:

Scott: Try as your artificial, intelligence-based lawyer. You can cc Peter on emails, request signatures, generate contracts, and notarize documents. The site uses a Bitcoin kind of technology to validate the legally binding signatures.

Mark: Try, a start-up marketing assistant that helps with marketing needs that include finding leads, tweeting relevant content, proofreading emails and the list goes on. Text, Slack, or email for on-demand marketing assistance.

Isn't it time to create passive income so you can work where you want, when you want and with whomever you want?


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