Rebel FM 55 -- 03/17/09
This week the regular crew is joined by's Ryan O. and ex-1up (now 343 industries) David Ellis. Join us as we talk about the games we've been playing (like GoW III, Metro 2033 and more), talk about the current state of DLC, and conclude with some hot and steamy letters. Join us next week in Boston, MA for PAX East. Tyler, Arthur and myself will all be in attendance, and will be having an IGN/GameSpy/Geekbox/RFM meet up at Daisy Buchanan’s at 240A Newbury Street on Saturday from 6-9pm. Also feel free to come watch Ryan Scott and I make asses of ourselves in our Game Scoop! meets GameSpy Debriefings panel in the Naga hall at 2pm on Saturday. Enjoy!